I believe when we cook we pour our love into the food. What better way
to say hey I love you then to make a special meal for that special someone.
Ah... it's like when you bring a quart of chocolate ice-cream to a
friend that has just broken up with her boyfriend.
Cause chocolate is know for the chemical reaction that is the same as
falling in love. Why not check out the
Chocolate Ritual?
It's when you
plan that "special" dinner for two. Or even "Honey let me make dinner
tonight, you had a big day" is pure love in my book!!
One more thing.... I did a page with
recipes on it too.
But I have this page
for the different ideas you can change to fit your families likes
and dislikes.
Connecting with your Inner Child
Ingredients: Favorite foods from youth
These ingredients are yours to pick. Pick your favorites as a
child, and yet they are things you may never eat today-- Maybe
it's cotton candy, hotdogs, or cookie dough.
Have foods that take you back to the days of your
childhood. Eat these foods and meditate on your inner child. Try to bring
him or her out by laughing and sharing these treats.
Sometimes this is the hardest step. Some inner children are scared
so don't try to push it (as you would with a real child) and don't give up
you can do this another time to connect with your inner child.
Take note of what your
innerchild is needs and is asking for: comfort, healing, fun, joy, security? As an adult
you are now capable of providing those things for your inner child.
End your meditation with a kiss on the forehead, a hug or whatever you
and your inner child feel comfortable with.
More ways to connent with a inner child:
Walk threw the mud puddle!
Color with crayons or markers!
Watch bugs..
Watch the rain dripple down a window.
Watch cartoons! (giggle)
Use your imganation!
Find that invisible friend!
Yell everything!! (giggle)
Giggle ALOT!! ALOT!!
~My innerchild help with this list.~
Feeling down
Drink some rootbeer. Rootbeer is said to clear up depression
and the blues.
One more for the inner child list for me Rootbeer
Floats! Yum!Yum! And Fun!
Sea shells
Sea shells are one of the symbols of the goddess.
Make some sea shell macaroni
salad, or cheese and sea shell maaroni in her honor.
Romantic foods
Heart shaped foods do add to the romance of the meal.
Just add the magick.
Apples are used for love spells. Cut one in half.
offer the half to the person you are interested in.
If they take it they will be yours.
Place on alter for a love to be called to you
Love sugar
Make some love sugar. Add a teaspoon of vanilla to around a cup of sugar.
Spread out on a cookie sheet. Let dry. Place in a jar or bowl.
Use when you want to send some one your love. Use it to remind your
family how much you love them .... However it can be
used to sweeten a area that needs help. As in someone at work
giving you a hard time? Sprinkle some on their desk or a memo.
Fruit Salad
Fruit have been offered to the gods in many different civilizations.
You can cut fruit into shapes for a given magickal purpose.
Add passion fruit or mangos for your love life.
Good for Spirituality, communications, friendship,
Bread sticks
Use frozen rolls or frozen bread. After it de-thaws shape into the
shapes of magickal working.
Dollars signs for money.
Hearts for love. I like this one! Sometimes I do this just cause I want my
family to "remember I love them."
Brush with butter or egg wash. Can sprinkle cheese on top or
cinnamon and sugar. Bake at times on package (or for about 15-20
minutes on 400 degrees.)
Good for love and gaining your magical purpose (bepending on shape).
Spicy snack mix
That hot and spicy mix of peanuts, pretzels, small crackers, and
spicy sauce is great for Energy, protection and change.
Eggs absorb negativity so always salt when you eat them.
Eggs can be used as a negativity magnet, drawing it from the body.
Or when you feel as you have been cursed
Move the egg up and down over your body.
-OR- Take a bath with a egg inside a tub careful not to break it....
bury into the earth as to bury your negativity or curse.
Eat together with loved one and strenghten your bond.
Always salt before eating to purify the negativity.
Marriage foods
Food that keep a marriage strong are lima or kidney beans
and cabbage or cole slaw. To enhance your marriage boil without cutting during a
waxing moon. To end a problem cut and cook cabbage during
waning moon. When you make cole slaw; see you and your mate cutting
threw your problems, toss up in the air for the help of the gods' help in
in solving the problem. The kidney or lima beans are used in case
where you are thinking divorce. Beans help open the heart to love.
Help at Work
A cup of coffee and a cinnamon doughnut.
Coffee increases you work.
Cinnamon adds luck and swiftness.
Nuts. Nuts help aid your communication.
Black Cherry Soda for confidence. Asking for a raise maybe?
Cinnamon gum with pineapple candy will help with money and
Spearmint gum when you need to keep a clear head.
Wintergreen gum for protection. For dangerous jobs or areas.
Looking for a job. Cinnamon gum and cherry candy may
help at the interview for you to get that job!
Pantry Magick
My Familiars
Beauty Recipes
Web Rings